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I really enjoyed this! Great atmosphere and I love the black&white/sorta halftone art style. The main banner just being a real-life deer and gerbil absolutely kills me too.


that was...actually really good

I appreciated the tension, the mystery, and the general weirdness of it all


Great atmosphere! The black and white art really helps. I quite liked the characters (especially Ember..?) and the plot was delightfully spooky.


This game looks so good... But as the other comment said, I can't read the dialogues because most of the textbox is off my screen T_T  I hope you can fix it soon!

We're going to work on a fix once things settle down on our end in about 1-2 weeks, sorry!

Thank you, looking forward to it!


Apologies for the delay, but the last patch should (hopefully) have that problem sorted out! Please let us know if it does!


Hey, this game is too big for my screen...maybe make an options menu?

Noted! I was having some scaling difficulties during development, but I'll have that sorted along with some other fixes next month, sorry!


A save system would also be really nice if you can 8)

Hey! Sorry it took so long, but we've added a crude settings page along with a patch that should take care of the screen size issue! Please let us know if it worked :)


Sure thing, i'll test it out today!