Reflection & the future

Should have written this months ago but things have been busy and are only now settling down; better late than never though! 

Firstly, we also want to thank everyone who took the time to give Night Shift a playthrough and gave their feedback! We were delighted with the positive reception; even though Night Shift was just a gamejam game, we got a little bit attached and would like to finish it off proper in the near future! We hope that the changes we're planning on making to finalize the project over the next few months will be equally well received.

The Spooktober Gamejam was an interesting learning experience for us especially in terms of our development workflow moving forward. 

We wanted to shy away from using an engine specifically geared towards making visual novels like Ren'Py in favour of a more general-purpose engine: Godot. With that came a lot of time spent developing tools instead of actually developing the game itself ( tale as old as time, but time well spent! ) and during the process,  we found some pretty glaring issues with our development workflow ( especially in terms of dialogue editing tools ) that we we feel are important to take care of before finalizing the game and moving onto other projects.

Naturally, every tool has its pros and cons.  We went through a range of dialogue editing tools such as Twine, Arrow, Whiskers and LE Dialogue; all of which are great tools, but for our needs were lacking in one area or another be it in versatility or usability. 
We're planning on either extending an existing tool's functionality or building our own in (hopefully) the short-term before giving Night Shift a second pass, new CGs and a higher level of polish! And once the game's complete, we hope you'll be excited for what we have planned next!

Thanks for reading! Hope to be back with more news next year!


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Dec 04, 2021
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Dec 04, 2021

Get The Night Shift is Lonely

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